Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I love clouds!

I don't have any statistics to prove it, but I think I just might love clouds more than any other person on earth :) I don't covet the spot, though, and welcome everyone to join me in loving the artwork of the sky! Almost everyday clouds make me happy (and maybe everyday) including this minute as I look out the window :) (Today the clouds are like peaceful white whales traveling slowly across the sky). Here are a few memories and thoughts about clouds (and some cool pictures from wikipedia). Feel free to share your own happy cloud experiences ^u^

*Sometimes in Provo the sky is covered in cloud bread-dough--all puffy and white and lumpy with little cracks of blue sky

*Sometimes I see some amazing clouds that look like ripples on water more than puffs in the sky---maybe the clouds are paying homage to what they're made of?

*Yesterday huge, dark, swirling clouds rose up in the west like a tsunami bringing lots of rain. They were awe-inspiring--like a symphony in air.

*I like to look at clouds and find shapes :) Pedro says humans are always looking for faces (evidence of how much we want to connect with people). I think it's true, although I've also seen a lot of dragons...I'm not sure what that says about what I'm looking for teehee

*I like when I see random little clouds all alone, like they've snuck out to play and frolick in the blue

*I love when misty gray clouds creep through the canyons in the mountains or when they cover the mountain tops leaving one to wonder how high the mountains go

*Looking out the window of an airplane onto a field of clouds and cloud castles is like visiting an enchanted world :)

I'll leave it at this for now so I can go study for a music 101 test on the Baroque period :) I'll try to write more often, too! Maybe even an ode to clouds! Oooh! And here are the other photos!


  1. I don't have any statistics to prove you wrong, but I think my old mission companion Sister Shiki just might give you a run for your money. When I get back to Provo I will show you my selection of Sister Shiki's photos. In the middle of my mission album full of people and buildings and signs is a quiet interlude of pictures of the sky.

  2. I love that you wrote a post about clouds :) I think clouds are amazing, mostly when they're up against the mountains on a really sunny day. . . or a crazy colored sunset w/ clouds that look like they are on fire. I think they're amazing because no matter how good of an artist someone is they can't quite capture how brilliant they are. One of my favorite things about you is that you appreciate things like clouds :) xoxo

    p.s. thanks for your nice comment on my blog, it made me smile :) & we appreciate the prayers.

  3. love it! i'd be happy to see what she's got ;)

  4. (that was to annie)

    and to kimacob (a new phrase i think i just coined!!) thanks very much! i love when they look like they're on fire, too! or when there's one big cloud like yesterday---there was one that looked like a giant hamburger (maybe i just needed to eat??). thanks again! let's hang out soon or else!!!!!!
