My great-uncle Wade is a photographer by hobby. The other day I was looking at his photos and it struck me how many of his photos were of almost the same scene---the view of the river from his back yard in Maryland. And yet, each photo was so different and each was beautiful. It made me think of how lovely and dynamic the world is. It also made me think about how we might not feel that where we are in life is very exciting and yet if we look, even one single view can bring us all sorts of beauty :) Even the smallest slice of life can be rich. We just have to be a little patient and keep our eyes open, too ;) Thanks Uncle Wade!
Welcome everyone! We'll use this blog mostly to share stories, photos, and videos of the new star in our life: little miss Theresa! Thanks for visiting!
Thanks for the posting about my photos. One mealy needs to stand in one place and over time one can see the majesty of God's creation.